Release notes for version 14.2 - 14th May 2024
New functions in 14.2 and Announcement in blog.
14.2 - 14th May 2024
- Added JSON.Merge function.
- Added JSON.ReplaceEvaluate function and related JSON.CurrentMatch and JSON.CurrentMatchPath functions.
- Added new XL functions to create conditional formatting including XL.Book.AddConditionalFormat and XL.Sheet.AddConditionalFormatting.
- Added functions for iOS to print including PDFKit.SelectPrinter to pick a printer.
- Added AnimationTime parameter for Overlay.Move function.
- Added CertificateName parameter to DynaPDF.SaveAndSignFileWinCryptDialog function to skip dialog and pick certificate by name.
- Added Container.RemovePreview function to remove preview from container.
- Added CURL.AvailableSSLBackends and CURL.SetSSLBackend functions.
- Added Files.IsSystemImmutable, Files.IsUserImmutable, Files.SetSystemImmutable and Files.SetUserImmutable functions.
- Added firstRow and lastRow parameter to FM.SQL.JSONRecords and FM.SQL.XMLRecords functions.
- Added firstRow and lastRow parameter to Matrix.JSONRecords function.
- Added flag 16 for Matrix.JSONRecords to include field names as first row if outputting arrays.
- Added flag value 2 for JSON.ToHTML function to process embedded JSON.
- Added GMImage.Flatten function to remove alpha channel from image.
- Added IsSwipeNavigationEnabled and HiddenPdfToolbarItems as options to WebView.SetPreferences and WebView.GetPreferences for Windows.
- Added JSON.Import.SetExtraField and JSON.Import.SetBaseFields functions.
- Added keepAllSheets parameter for XL.LoadBookPartially function.
- Added ListDialog.GetShowCloseBox and ListDialog.SetShowCloseBox functions.
- Added Math.MovingAverage function.
- Added MongoDB.ClientCommand, MongoDB.ClientCommandQuery and MongoDB.ClientCommandWithServerId functions.
- Added MongoDB.GetAppName, MongoDB.SetAppName and MongoDB.GetCredentials functions.
- Added parameter for Hash.DigestFile to update progress dialog.
- Added QuickList.HasValues and Dictionary.HasKeys functions.
- Added SVG for XL.Book.GetPictureType and XL.Book.GetPicture.
- Added Text.LeftTrim and Text.RightTrim functions.
- Added tooltip for Script IDs.
- Added widget to field picker to jump to last selected table occurence.
- Added Windows support for SystemInfo.CPULoad function.
- Added work around for XL.Book.GetPicture to return image data, even if LibXL returns an error, but does provide data.
- Built curl with our Apple IDN implementation for CURL. see commit.
- Enabled ALTER and CREATE commands to be used on server with FM.ExecuteFileSQL function.
- Fixed a bug in FM.SQL.InsertRecords that prevented containers from being transferred.
- Fixed a problem with DynaPDF.ExtractText introduced in 14.x.
- Fixed a problem with ListDialog freezing on Windows if you use alt-tab to switch to other apps and you switch back to the FileMaker window instead of the dialog itself.
- Fixed an issue in auto complete where our underscore variable completion would prevent you from typing field names with underscores.
- Fixed an issue with EmailParser.ReceiveDate and EmailParser.SentDate function with east asian time zones.
- Fixed QLPreviewPanel.Show to make sure that a change in focus doesn't clear the content.
- Fixed the ListDialog functions to allow the red close widget to be used on the dialog to close it.
- Implemented PDFKit.Print and related functions for iOS.
- Improved auto complete to not suggest completions while inside a variable or function name to avoid in-word completions.
- Improved control placing for newer FileMaker version for AVPlayer, DragDrop, MapView and WebViewer.
- Improved Dialog.SetMode function for Note and Stop mode to use the given icon instead of the application icon.
- Improved DynaPDF.TestGlyphs to return error message in case you call it outside an open page.
- Improved EmailParser.HTMLToPlainText to handle title tag.
- Improved FM.SQL.JSONRecords function to return empty array for empty result.
- Improved handling of font and format reference numbers in XL functions to cache the objects and reuse the indexes.
- Improved localization for script IDs.
- Improved localization of format button.
- Improved Matrix.HTML and JSON.ToHTML to use CSS for right alignment.
- Improved Overlay functions to resize the image automatically to fill window size on Windows.
- Improved Path.NativePathToFileMakerPath to not put in the disk name if it is already there.
- Improved script IDs to better find script Ids if script name are not unique.
- Improved SQL functions in FileMaker to better provide an error message.
- Improved WordFile.ReplaceTag and WordFile.Substitute functions to remove control characters from replacement text to avoid creating broken word files.
- Improved XL.Book.GetPicture to return future pictures types as FILE containers.
- Improved XL.Book.GetPictureType to report future types as number.
- Updated CURL to version 8.7.1.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Updated LibXL to version 4.3.0.
- Updated SQLAPI to version 5.3.1.
- Updated SQLite to version 3.45.3.
- Updated to Xcode 15.3.
New in version 14.1 New in version 14.3
More details in the Release notes and Announcement in blog.