Release notes for version 14.4 - 17th September 2024
New functions in 14.4 and Announcement in blog.
14.4 - 17th September 2024
- Added JSON.InsertRecord and JSON.InsertOrUpdateRecord functions.
- Added JSON.UpdateRecord and JSON.UpdateRecords functions.
- Added JSON.DeleteRecord and JSON.DeleteRecords functions.
- Added Text.Tidy and Text.TidyErrorLog functions to tidy XML and HTML.
- Added XML.Tidy function.
- Added Text.HTMLtoJSON function.
- Added BaseFont as selector for DynaPDF.SysFontInfo function.
- Added BaseFont value to JSON for DynaPDF.SysFontInfoAsJSON function.
- Added ClearBuffer parameter to WebRequest.GetRawData function.
- Added DynaPDF.CreateExtGState and DynaPDF.SetExtGState functions.
- Added DynaPDF.CreateURIAction function.
- Added DynaPDF.GetInEncryptionInfo function.
- Added DynaPDF.TestPassword function.
- Added FieldName entry for FM.FieldStatistics function result.
- Added Flags parameter for DynaPDF.ExtractDocumentText function.
- Added FM.FieldStatistics function.
- Added MongoDB.CursorRecords function.
- Added OptionsJSON parameter for MongoDB.ReplaceOne function.
- Added Python.RunFile function.
- Added shortcut for layout editor to use Command-Option-Shift-F on macOS to jump to the objects search field.
- Added SyntaxColoring.AutoCompleteVariables.SetLocals and SyntaxColoring.AutoCompleteVariables.GetLocals functions.
- Added tooltips for specify field dialog to show field type.
- Added WebHook.GetTag, WebHook.SetTag, WebRequest.GetTag and WebRequest.SetTag functions.
- Added XL.Book.RemovePrinterSettings and XL.Book.RemoveVBA functions.
- Changed JSON.GetArrayItemsAsList to return empty result if JSON is empty.
- Changed linux version to include version number and build number for Get(InstalledFMPlugins).
- Changed plugin to return empty results as really empty and trace to log that as nothing. It makes a difference whether we return nothing or empty text.
- Changed tooltips to show container instead of binary, text instead of varchar.
- Disabled trace logging for MongoDB by default.
- Fixed a bug in FM.FieldStatistics function. Now properly quotes field names.
- Fixed a bug with Matrix.Text function where it would skip some columns if they were constants in SQL used to create the matrix.
- Fixed a memory leak in Clipboard.SetFileMakerData, Clipboard.DetectFileMakerDataType and XML.Import functions.
- Fixed a problem in Files.RenameFile function to rename folders on Windows if the path ended with a backslash.
- Fixed a problem with AVRecorder.AddPreviewWithControl positioning the layer for FileMaker 21.
- Fixed a problem with GMImage.NewFromFile and Japanese characters on Windows.
- Fixed an issue in SyntaxColoring.AutoCompleteVariables.SetGlobals function.
- Fixed crash in DynaPDF.GetFontsAsJSON function for font with missing values.
- Fixed DynaPDF.ImportPDFFile to return proper error message.
- Fixed incorrect returning of result for DynaPDF.SetRenderingIntent, DynaPDF.SetUserUnit and DynaPDF.SetLineWidth functions.
- Fixed possible crashes with Phidgets script triggers.
- Fixed thread naming to avoid renaming main thread.
- Improved Archive functions and UnZipFile.OpenContainer function to better read zip archives downloaded via Insert From URL script step.
- Improved check to XL.Initialize to return an error if the license key includes invalid characters like a space character.
- Improved CURL.GetResultAsEMailList function, so it includes In-Reply-To and References headers if you have them in the query.
- Improved GMImage.ReadContainer to better pick decoder based on file name.
- Improved JSON functions to return error if you pass non JSON parameters to JSON.AddItemToArray, JSON.AddItemToObject, JSON.Replace and related functions.
- Improved MapView.PlanRoute function to use less memory.
- Improved PDFKit.RestorePrintSettings to better read PDF from container.
- Improved Twain.Initialize to return better error messages on Windows.
- Reduced number of dependencies on Linux version of our plugin. Requires GLIBCXX_3.4.26 now.
- Updated CURL to version 8.10.0.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Updated LibXL to version 4.4.0.
- Updated openssl to version 3.1.6.
- Updated SQLAPI to version 5.3.4 with DuckDB 1.0 support.
- Updated SQLite to version 3.46.1.
- Upgraded all linux compilers to newer versions.
New in version 14.4 New in version 14.5
More details in the Release notes and Announcement in blog.